Gardens of the Quran:-

       In the Quran, there are-


Gardens of Felicity                 
[Jannat al Naeem]                                

Gardens of Bliss                         
[Jannat al Naeem]                                
10.9; 31.8; 56.12

Gardens of Delight                 
[Jannat al Naeem]                                

Gardens of Paradise                
[Jannat al Firdaws]                                

Gardens of Eternity                
[Jannat Adan]                                        
16.31; 18.31; 19.61; 20.76;         35.33;                                                                 38.50;40.8;         61.12; 98.8

Gardens of Perpetual Bliss         
[ Jannat Adan]                                

Gardens Enclosed                
78.32; 82.30

Gardens of Luxurious Growth 
[Jannat al Fafa]                                

Gardens as Hospitable Homes
 [Jannat al Maawee]                                

Gardens & Rivers                                  
  [Jannat wa Nahari/Anhara]                
54.54; 71.12

Gardens & Springs                 
[Jannat wa A'iyoon]                                
26.57, 134, 147; 44.25, 52; 51.15

Two Gardens                         

Gardens Beneath which Rivers Flow        
 [Jannat tajri tahhtaha al Anharu]        
2.25; 3.15, 136, 195, 198; 4. 13, 57, 122; 5.12, 85, 119; 9.72, 89, 100; 14.23; 22.14, 22, 23; 29.12; 47.12; 48.5, 17; 64.9; 65.11; 66.8; 77.10; 85.11 

       *** The Quran's obsession with water and gardens is of course a counter balance to the lack of BOTH in the desolation of the Arabian Peninsula.

       To the primitive mind of the mostly illiterate, unlearned and gullible Pagan Arabs, such descriptions of verdant abodes evoked in their mind the greatest pleasures and expectations.

       It is then not a great wonder that they actually were willing to die fighting  for Muhammad's cause with the full EXPECTATION of reaping these 'rewards' in the AFTER-LIFE ***